Supplier questionnaire


    We are keen on building long lasting relationships across our supply chain and ensuring alignment with ESG standards through a collaborative and cooperative approach. Some of our achievements across facilities across the world include:
    Completed first Double Materiality Assessment for entire Lallemand group, deriving 13 Key Performance Indicators.

    • 20 Lallemand sites now have ESG labels and certifications, including ISO 14001, EcoVadis and SMETA across different locations.
    • Built internal mapping tool to understand evaluation processes of third-party ESG labelling organizations.
    • Established Modern Slavery Policy adhering to Canada’s fight against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act.
    • Conducted Scope 1 and 2 of Greenhouse Gas Emissions inventory in all Lallemand entities across the world.
    • Revised Supplier Code of Conduct to improve compliance practices across our supply chain.
    • Developed training modules to educate our workforce on topics regarding diversity, fair wages, and modern slavery.
    • Donated to Measuring Beyond Initiative studying ESG performance and UNICEF support for families affected by ongoing wars.

    We endeavour to keep on achieving new milestones every year and encourage alignment with our suppliers through this questionnaire. Please complete the applicable sections with information you consider relevant and share any documentation that may be helpful.